I want to talk about something that seems to be becoming normalized and I want to comment on it. I might get some slack about this, but that's okay I think it needs to be said. Sensualizing or sexualizing your innate gifts to get more followers, or to sensationalize or draw people in I believe is something really harmful in a way to Spiritual seekers, or the "spiritual community" and to women in general. I'm speaking mostly to women here as I see it more with us. Let's really think deeper on why we do this ? And what does it say about us and what kind of message are we sending to the world, and to our kids and the next generation of souls discovering their gifts? First let me qualify by saying feeling and being empowered is one thing, as is creative expression - i get all that and I'm all for that... but so much of what I am seeing out there on social media etc is feeding a harmful program of what women need to look and act like in order to be accepted, liked, followed, seen, heard, etc. It also feeds this "goddess" image and dogma that is just straight out balony and based in some deep seated programming that so desperately needs attention and re-programming if we're ever going to find true empowerment and authenticity within ourselves and evolve as a human species. If we feel deeper into all of this, there is an overall not good enough program running strong under all of this. And yet we continue to support it with false narratives about women. Not until women really look into themselves and work on healing some basic core DNA wounds for women, can we move beyond this. Not till women start to say no, and show up unapologetically naked as themselves, and stop feeding into this paradigm can we heal it. Not until women say NO, can the men start to say No as well. Women need to set the tone here. Women need to do the inner work here in order for all beings to wake up to this inside and out. Ask yourself the tough questions: why do I need to show up like this, what is it I'm trying to prove, what am I trying to portray, am I not enough without this show, where can I shower more love into my insecurities that I'm covering up by showing up like this. Who and what told me that I need to look and act this way ? Does that feel good when I go deeper into it ? Who am I doing this for ? Women, we are powerful as all get out, just Being Women. Let's start to peel back our layers of programming so we can set the bar right for our kids and break some really old and deeply harmful cycles towards women and therefore all beings.
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