It’s the middle of winter where I live, and though it’s not as cold as some places in the world… I Do feel the hibernation. I do NOT feel creative…. I do NOT want to be challenged… I do NOT want to go to work or anywhere else for that matter. It’s ENOUGH to sit at home and watch the birds come out after a snowfall… It’s OK if I want to sleep in for hours… It’s OK if I don’t even leave the house for the day… It’s OK if I zone out and do jigsaw puzzles. We are in such a DO culture, so disconnected from what our bodies are actually telling us because we are so oriented outside of ourselves. I honour this time to go in and wish the world would rally behind it too to give us the necessary time and space to recharge when we need to, to let things stew in us till the energy takes it out into the world again. There is so much underlying sifting and sorting going on with the Global and Planetary Energies, sometimes the bodies need to do nothing at all to let that all process inside, recalibrate and realign. What happens if you do nothing at all… What are you afraid of happening?
Yes, you might start to feel some things you’ve been escaping… yes, there could be some sadness at first, there could be a heaviness… can you just let it be? Yes there may be a feeling of emptiness, a sense of loss, or feeling lost.. can you just let it be? Yes, your body might collapse a bit after going, going, going all the time.. can you just let it be? Then there might actually start to be a feeling of peace in all that quietness, can you just sit with it, in it? Yes, you must start to realize more what is and isn’t working for you anymore, can you just sit with it, in it?
This is the Year where it catches up with you big time if you haven’t been working on the inner. You can only look away for so long before your body will confront you. It does take a breakdown to break through, and that looks different for everyone. Unfortunately, most of us are forced into it as we’re not willing to look at the underlying currents in our lives and health. Please Stop, Pause, Breathe, Listen to what that Inner is trying to convey to you. You are worth it and the World Needs it, it needs YOU to allow yourself to become more of YOU, which requires us to Stop, Pause, Breathe and Listen.
Is that Defensiveness Program really serving you anymore, or is it becoming a huge obstacle to your growth and expansion and future? Thank it for serving you once when you needed it and ask where there is room to now soften and allow.
The New Earth Consciousness is accessed through the Evolution of the Heart, it’s not a place we go but a Space we Become. It’s a frequency that creates a different dimension from the inside out. It requires us to Feel, and to Feel sometimes we need Space and Time. We can choose it or sometimes we are forced into it. It is up to you. There is no stopping this Universal Evolutionary Shift… so what are you choosing?
Let’s use this time that Nature gives us to slow down and look within to see with clearer eyes and a softer heart. Softness does not equate to weakness. It creates more Compassion, for ourselves and then ultimately the world around us.
Love this so beautiful ❤
Such beautiful and wise words. Thank you Nadine ❤️