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The Musings of a
Galactic Toning Chick

What People are you Pleasing ?

Constant Agreeability-tis a form of people pleasing…


Where does it come from?


Why does one do it?


What’s really going on under the surface?


If you are a constant YES person, you are people pleasing. 


Much of the time that comes from childhood trauma… were you punished for expressing your true feelings; or worse yet, abused for it, therefore creating danger and unsafety for sharing your true feelings.   Or maybe it wasn’t even that traumatic, but there was just no one to validate you and encourage your expression.   Your nervous system has not healed from the repercussions from those childhood memories. 

But as an adult, you can rewire the responses by first recognizing what you are doing and why… then slowly experimenting with how is it I do actually feel ? maybe you’re not even used to recognizing that within you, so it’s a process, then ultimately playing with speaking your truth more and more in containers you know to be safe for you, while also addressing your nervous system with various somatic exercises, self-talk, energy work and re-focusing your attention inward, while “tightening up” your energy field, aka… “boundaries” or clearing your fields…

When you have an automatic “yes”, more than likely you haven’t even fully heard what the person was saying, you say “yes’’ before they’ve even finished talking, and you’re already finishing their sentences in agreeability to feel safe and included.  But the truth is, there is no Presence in that… and of course no authenticity or connection, and then ultimately a lack of accountability for the things you’ve agreed to as you don’t even know what that was.  It also creates an unhealthy energy loop and may cause many to no longer share with you, and a lack of groundness.  It also makes it easier for others to use or manipulate your energy. 

This isn’t a judgement at all, just a Mercury in Scorpio awareness of habits, programs and traumas to encourage us to break through into our unique and beautiful true selves, not afraid to discover and express ourselves authentically, so we can have better relationships, connections and also so people start to actually listen and validate us, cause they trust us.  And ultimately, your authentic voice is important in the world.  When you people please, others may stop trusting what you say cause they know you’re not speaking the truth of how you feel.  It can become very lonely and may leave one feeling very disconnected from others and of course ourselves, leading us into states of depression and anxiety. 

It also keeps us on a very superficial level of life, afraid to go deeper, face the shadow within ourselves and society, therefore never truly healing.  It leaves us in a constant auto-pilot feedback loop.  

I want to keep encouraging you to break through and free, for your ultimate peace – so that you are no longer caught in a cycle of suffering with it. 

If there is any year in our life cycle to do so, it is this year for sure! All the energies support you with this.  I am also always happy to support you too in any way I can.  The energy work I facilitate really gets to the heart of the matter of things in a way that doesn’t make you have to live through all your traumas again, per se, while reprogramming the field to a more aligned, resonate version of yourself.   



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